Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Returning to Past Lives

Lately I haven't been able to recall my dreams, maybe there's nothing worthy enough to note...I've never kept a dream journal before and a good way to always remember your dreams is to keep one right beside your bed so that you may record them as soon as you wake up...dreams are often forgotten within a half hour of awakening.

I read an interesting article today, posted on Oprah.com...http://www2.oprah.com/health/oz/slide/20080513/oz_20080513_350_101.jhtml

Dr. Brian Weiss goes on to talk about exercising your body in a way to recall past lives...one way to do this is to keep a dream journal, your mind is at its most open and accepting state when in dream mode...your subconscious is unlocked. You can interpret dreams this way and most often then not these are windows into past lives you have experienced. This can be very therapeutic to someone who has a fear of something and may not even know why...for example an individual might be scared of swimming...maybe in a past life they had succumbed to drowning...allowing your body to open up to the possibility of past lives, you could heal your spirit knowing things that had happened to you and letting go of them. Very interesting stuff. I get so excited to read about these things!

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