Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Letters to Dad 2

Sept. 24th 2008

Hello Dad,

I still can't wait to hear from you! Alex was tellin me that we maybe able to hear from a counselor how you are doing. I hope you are hangin in there! Well I have one more day left at my second job...friday will be my last day. I'm excited! Although I'm very stressed right now, I still haven't found a place to live and I'm out on the 30th so less than a week. Admittedly though I haven't been looking as hard as I should. I was reading this article online, it was about this guy who thought of using freight car boxes and make houses with them. I guess they're about 350 sq ft but they equip them with a full bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and living room. Plus the containers are stackable so you can make them two stories or three up to four I believe. Pretty interesting :) Maybe we could build a house out of them and call ourselves the modern day boxcar children. Anyway I hope you are doing well.

Sept. 30th 2008

Hi dad :) Well you can see that it's taken me a few days to write back. I finally got out of my apt. I cleaned last night and I'm free and clear. For now I will be staying with David's family. It was quite unexpected but his mom offered at the very last moment, so at least I'm not sleeping in my car or sleeping on friends couches. Well the weather down here is still very hot. Maybe you can come down and visit in the next year. I bet you would like it down here. I'm feeling a little sick with a sore throat hopefully it won't get any worse. I plan to start working out more and taking care of my health. I've done pretty well eating the right foods, so now I need to start moving and workout. I have a gym membership which my job pays for so I need to start using it.

I'm glad I was able to see you back in July it was nice having breakfast with you. I miss you dad! Please get better! I love you very much :)
